Cannabinoid Hyperemesis CHS & Cyclic Vomiting CVS in Adults ACG

how long does it take to recover from cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

Without knowing this background, providers often misdiagnose CHS as other conditions, like cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS). One study found that 32.9% of self-reported frequent marijuana users who came to an emergency department for care met the criteria for CHS. With the widespread use, increased potency and legalization of marijuana in multiple states in the U.S., CHS may be becoming increasingly common. Chronic and compulsive marijuana use causes cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. Stopping cannabis use is an important part of your treatment plan, and your doctor will suggest that you stop using marijuana immediately.

how long does it take to recover from cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

Care instructions

Various health issues can cause repeated vomiting, and what needs to be pointed out is that CHS is a rare condition. The healthcare provider will ask the patient about the symptoms, and it will also ask about past health and issues if there were any. Then, a physical exam is necessary, including a stomach exam.

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how long does it take to recover from cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

However, our understanding of its effects has unfolded significantly over the last 3 decades. The extract of the plant cannabis sativa has been reported to be used for decades in the control of pain and cramps, according to the Chinese literature 1. Recognition of the function of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) was a breakthrough in explaining the effects of cannabis on different organs, at least in part 2. The primary psychoactive component of cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). These advances enhanced the understanding of cannabinoid (CB) receptors, which led to a better appreciation of the role of cannabis in inflammation, seizures, emesis, and as an appetite stimulant.


To ease nausea, people will mostly use hot showers throughout the day. Some people take marijuana to ease nausea, but it only makes the situation worse. Some research suggests that cannabis hyperemesis syndrome is caused by the daily and long-term use of marijuana. The number of people diagnosed with CHS is greater than before. The increased number of cases correlates with the fact that more states in the US legalized marijuana. However, the number of regular what is chs users who develop weed sickness is not high.

  • Now, these cannabinoid receptors are also present in the digestive tract of the body.
  • In August she brought the two groups together to talk about how they might work together to regulate high-THC products and protect public health.
  • These usually happen for 3 to 4 days but can last as long as 1 week in bad cases.

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  • Cannabis can paradoxically act as an antiemetic during acute ingestion at low doses, whereas persistent high-dose ingestion could result in vomiting, a behavior similar to cyclical vomiting 6.
  • Communications Director Brian Smith said via email that the “processing sector” now accounts for more than half of all retail sales, although that can include products that contain less than 35% THC.
  • Daily and long-term use of cannabis can cause a rare condition known as CHS cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome.
  • Skip foods and beverages that irritate the stomach, such as alcohol, caffeine, and spicy foods.

Further, these behaviors could also be noted in CVS, preadolescents, and adolescents with no prior exposure to cannabis 8. These changes from hot bathing are probably not specific to CHS but can be seen across all functional nausea and vomiting disorders, including CVS, and are probably aggravated by cannabis use 9. Thus, hot shower bathing may be more closely related to CHS, but is neither specific nor sensitive in its diagnosis. This is probably the reason for its non-inclusion in the Rome IV diagnostic criteria for CHS. Cannabis is the most commonly abused drug in the United States (US).

how long does it take to recover from cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

Risks and Complications of CHS

how long does it take to recover from cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

Doctors thought he had cyclical vomiting syndrome, a condition with similar symptoms — extreme abdominal pain, severe bouts of vomiting, and nausea. According to his death certificate, Brandon Danielson died of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, or CHS, a condition that results from daily use of cannabis, especially high-THC concentrates. As cannabis products like vapes, shatter, and dabs have reached Substance abuse near 100% potency, doctors across Washington state are seeing an increase in cannabis-related disorders, including CHS. The diagnosis of the syndrome is one of the trickiest parts of the story because people often fail to report using marijuana to their health care providers. Once the syndrome is finally diagnosed, the patient gets familiar with the condition, learns what CHS is, and begins treatment.

how long does it take to recover from cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

Weed sick: High-potency cannabis leads to ER visits, illnesses for some users

Your doctor probably should send you to see a stomach doctor, who knows more about your problem and can help you feel better. Patients with CVS also have times where they are feeling sick to the stomach and can also throw up for between 12 hours to about a week. This can happen when you are stressed, excited, have an infection or when women have their period.

How Long Does It Take to Recover from Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome?

They should also have the freedom and empowerment to speak up to other team members if they feel that this may be getting overlooked in the diagnostic picture. Since the only treatment is the removal of the offending agent, accurate diagnosis is the only portal to actual management. In women, a pregnancy test is necessary to assess for any pregnancies, especially ectopic pregnancies. Imaging is up to the discretion of the clinician, depending on various specific factors of history or physical exam, which may be concerning for surgical processes.


Etymologie : dérivé de fiscal, du latin fiscalis, relatif au fisc, fiscal, du fisc, lui-même issu de fiscus, panier à argent, trésor public, trésor impérial.

Le fisc désigne l’ensemble de l’administration fiscale, c’est-à-dire des services de l’Etat qui ont en charge l’établissement de l’assiette des impôts, leur perception et leur contrôle.

Le terme fiscalité désigne le système de lois et de règlementations en vigueur relatives au fisc, à la définition et à la perception des impôts et des autres prélèvements obligatoires.
